Junk Hauling for Fun and Profit

A Tongue in Cheek Look at Hauling Junk Junk hauling from Burbank to Boston can be a profitable enterprise. After all, every person in the world is going to generate a certain amount of junk over their lifetime. We buy things. We use things. In many cases those things we use have a useful lifetime …

Best Reason to Hire a Junk Removal Service: Time

Busy Los Angeles Residents Have Better Things to Do Hire a junk removal service like BumbleBee Junk and you gain something priceless: time? What’s your time worth to you? Probably a lot. And we bet you can think of a hundred things you would rather do than remove junk from your home or office. When …

Burbank Junk Haulers On The Move

L.A.’s Top Junk Removers Love This Media City “Burbank junk hauling company” is one of our appellations since we are located in Sun Valley, California which literally is a stone’s throw from Burbank. And we do mean literally. Sun Valley Borders the City of Burbank. Depending on where you are in Sun Valley you can …

Bulky Item Pickup for Los Angeles

BumbleBee Junk Removal Has You Covered Large Item Pickup No Problem! One of the things we touched upon in our earlier junk removal blog posts was the fact that a professional junk hauling company is better suited to removing large items then you trying to do yourself. It just makes sense all around. You may …

Junk Removal For Construction Sites

Los Angeles Area Company Handles It All Los Angeles junk removal company BumbleBee Junk includes clean up/junk hauling of construction/demolition debris in its roster of skills. Odds are there’s a house, apartment building or office being built or renovated somewhere near you right now. If you’re the one involved in construction or demolition you’re going …

Los Angeles Junk Removal Company or You?

Which is the Better Choice? Everyone wants to keep their home or office clean and if you have a lot of junk you might think about removing it yourself. But, you might be better served hiring a junk removal company instead of taking on the task yourself. Why? In most cases it’s going to be …

Top 7 Reasons You Need a Professional Junk Removal Service

Los Angeles’ Best: BumbleBee Junk Los Angeles is a bustling, busy metropolis Full of busy people usually rushing to throw one of our many freeways. Been In the course of our busy lives pretend to collect things. Things, once they’ve outlived their usefulness, become junk. All the millions of busy people in Los Angeles accumulate …