A Tongue in Cheek Look at Hauling Junk Junk hauling from Burbank to Boston can be a profitable enterprise. After all, every person in the world is going to generate a certain amount of junk over their lifetime. We buy things. We use things. In many cases those things we use have a useful lifetime …
Junk hauling from Burbank to Boston can be a profitable enterprise. After all, every person in the world is going to generate a certain amount of junk over their lifetime. We buy things. We use things. In many cases those things we use have a useful lifetime but at some point stop being useful–or simply cease to function–and turn into junk. For a junk hauling company like us this is a renewable resource.
Think about it. Newborn babies will outgrow their clothes very quickly and if there are no siblings coming along those old clothes simply gather dust or take up space in a dresser. Yes, many people donate or give away their baby clothes to others whose children are smaller but the same principle applies when talking about people of any age. We purchase clothes, wear them for a while and then discard them. In some cases we don’t discard them and we end up stockpiling a lot of old clothes.
The same is true for just about any product, books, record collections–you name it. By the very fact of living we collect and accumulate junk, which at some point needs to be hauled away. That’s good news for junk hauling services like ours. We pick up and haul junk away day in and day out. Is it fun? Well, kind of. Making a living out of junk removal is an interesting concept. A junk pick up service like Bumblebee Junk serves a purpose and fills a niche in society. If not fun, at the very least it’s rewarding at the end of the day to think that we have helped individuals, families or business owners reclaim space in their home or office previously occupied by junk. We can feel good because our customers feel good.
We’re also doing something that helps the environment. Junk hauling experts know what needs to be disposed of and what can be donated to recycled. In this case there’s a sense of pride knowing that we’re doing something good. And as far as profits go? Well, we wouldn’t be in the junk hauling business if it weren’t somewhat lucrative. The growth of our company is a testament to that. As we’ve stated before, our junk hauling origins began with a single pickup truck and has since expanded to service the San Fernando Valley from Burbank to Van Nuys to Chatsworth and every city in between.
So while we are being a little bit cheeky when talking about junk hauling for fun and profit there is certain amount of truth to it. And when it comes right down to it the fun is on your end. Imagine breathing that sigh of relief when we haul your junk away and you have extra room in which to live. We think that’s about as fun as it gets. So if a roomful–or house full–or junk is bringing you down, enlist the junk hauling services of Bumblebee Junk. We guarantee you’ll be smiling.
Do you think removing debris is just a periodic task to organize a space? While that can sometimes be true, there are additional reasons to hire a debris removal company like Bumblebee Junk Removal. Legally, property owners are responsible for keeping their spaces free from hazards that could harm others, such as slips and falls. …
Rubber removal can be a profitable venture. After all, everyone generates a certain amount of waste throughout their lives.
One of the primary reasons to hire a junk removal company is the potential savings in both time and money. As the saying goes, “time is money.” Consider the costs associated with disposing of rubble at a landfill.